Freedom with Responsibility - 21st
December 2021
Twas the Day of Mars, and on time marched,
Fire raged in Northland, by dry winds parched.
Declining Delta followed by overwhelming Omicron,
The new plague struck while the old was still on.
Hysteria and Cynicism, those dark handmaids
Of dark times, were present in spades.
Hysteria cared naught that Omicron was less fatal.
Cynicism ignored cases where Omicron was fatal.
To be or not to be? Whether to vaccinate
Against viruses and by opposing, end them.
Or suffer the slings and arrows of infection,
And achieve herd immunity without injection.
Who was right? No one knew.
Who was wrong? No one knew.
Those who knew the science were few,
And even they were in a stew.
Cone Man reflected: “No stew can forever simmer”.
“The heat must end, or the stew become grimmer”.
The heat of controversy would burn off frivolities,
The heat of controversy would create policies.
The sillier regulations would be relaxed,
The sensible measures would be reinforced.
The less hesitant would be vaxxed,
The more effective measures better resourced.
Pride, Arrogance, and Ignorance were often found,
In the halls of power to abound.
Would the government find the middle ground?
And the cry “Freedom with Responsibility” resound?
© Craig Turney