Way and the Truth and the Life – 6th
May 2022
Twas Wodin's Day, in a world worrisome,
Lon, La Tes Tribe’s Lord,
Paid a mighty premium,
Pouring wealth from his hefty hoard,
Unleashing outraged pandemonium,
Lon was now Twitter’s Overlord.
Lon's acquisition prompted wild hope,
Others expressed wary derision.
‘Free Speech’ party saw Lon as their Pope,
‘Social Justice’ saw a source of division.
Lon believed Twitterverse was big enough,
To accommodate myriad clashing visions.
'Social Justice' thought 'Free Speech" hateful,
'Free Speech' thought 'Social Justice' enslaved to
fickle fashions.
Both parties thought the other full of villains,
Neither party understood opposing passions.
None doubted that men lied,
Or truthfully spoke nonsense.
Men whose truthfulness was their pride,
Were often misinformed, ignorant or dense.
Men could not make perjury a hanging offense,
Men had to err on the safe side.
Politicians showed uncommon common sense:
Enact capital punishment for perjury, and you died.
“So” Cone Man reflected,
“The question is not who is lying,
but who is telling the truth?
And how to prove that you’re not lying?”
“Statements” he shrugged,
“The greater they come, the harder they fall”.
The harsh reality was simple and rugged:
Absolute claims were divine truth or demonic gall.
One absolute statement surmounted them all,
Jesus was who he claimed, or a madman or fiend.
“I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the
Father except through me”.
© Craig Turney