Friday, 28 January 2022

Everybody but us – 28th January 2022

Twas Freya’s Day, a sun-soaked summer’s day,

Dry and cooled by a southerly breeze.

The sort of day for which we all pray,

 Cone Man, mighty beer mug in hand, was at ease.


Far less at ease, the neighbours of the Bear Tribe,

Seeing tanks massed on their eastern borders.

The mystery of this menace vexed many a scribe,

Knowing only that this host followed Vlad’s orders.


Bewildered was the Stars and Stripes Tribe,

By the peculiar attitude of their leaders.

“We must defend the borders of that tribe”,

Their scribes informed their readers.


These leaders guarded not the southern border,

Abusing many in their own tribe as ‘deplorables’,

Tolerating lawlessness and disorder,

And denied the reality that inflation was deplorable.


True, the Bear Tribe was bullying the Crane Tribe,

True, aggressors would be encouraged if not opposed,

Yet, wondered many in the Stars and Stripes Tribe:

“Why do our leaders care about everybody but us?”


© Craig Turney

Friday, 14 January 2022

A Flying Start - 14th January 2022

 A Flying Start 14th January 2022

Twas Freya’s Day, a beautiful fair day,

Cool breeze balanced scorching heat.

2022 was well on its way,

News junkies looked forward to a treat.


Many broke the rules, failing to understand,

That the times did not kindly suffer fools.


Lawyers pursued Duke Drew,

Win, lose, or draw, he was done.

Titles receded and withdrew,

Sun setting upon errant son.


Antonio, world Tennis Ace,

Aced not his visa application.

Bureaucracy evenly matched against grace,

Leaving Scomo with an unhappy situation.


The Stars and Stripes Tribe watched,

As the shipping crisis dragged intractably on.

Transport, their Transport Secretary, had botched,

Empty shelves showed the crisis was still on.


Inflation’s existence, denied by Democrats,

Recognised by Republicans and everyone else,

Battered the Chieftain’s polling stats,

Act he must, before the Red Wave swept away all else.


Boris, Son of John, a garden party attended,

Before ending the Union Jack Tribe’s lockdown.

This crime his Loyal Opposition duly apprehended,

Even his loyal backbenchers were seen to frown.


“Blazing cones!” Cone Man exclaimed.

“2022 is off to a flying start …”

© Craig Turney