The True Vine – 8th
July 2022
In Eden the Snake
Tempted Eve with the Apple.
Adam too, a bite, did take,
And had harsh reality, to grapple.
Labouring without a break,
Ejected from Eden, weeping couple.
Adam had to plough and grow,
Eve had to cook and sow.
Abel was felled by Cain’s blow,
Trials, their brows would furrow.
Vegetables were their relentless need.
What crop to plant? Which ground arable?
An inedible vegetable was a “weed”,
An edible weed was a “vegetable”.
By and by, the Sons of Adam,
Grew wheat, then olives and grapes.
By and by the Daughters of Eve,
Sewed worsteds, then silk and drapes.
Civilization presented Adams Sons
With questions more refined.
Growing louder at planting seasons,
As men strove to create red, fine wines.
Patiently, painfully searching for reasons:
“For best grapes, which varieties of vines?”
Man’s quest for the best wine ended
at a wedding feast in Cana.
When the banquet master exclaimed:
“You have saved the best till now.”[1]
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.”[2]
© Craig Turney