Sunday, 5 April 2020

Corona Saga: Lock Down - 11th Day

Twas the 11th Day of the Lock Down. Workers in the Land of the All Black Tribe were losing their jobs in tranches. During the past week hundreds of Legend Bearers and Wager Slaves had borne the wages of a legendarily sick economy. On the last day of the week 600 sky workers of the Virgin Tribe had been informed by their overlords in the Land of the Wallaby Tribe that their livelihoods had sprouted wings and flown into the sky.
Sadly, the sudden unemployment of a thousand workers in the Outer Antipodes was not world shaking news. Forty million workers in the Land of the Stars and Stripes Tribe would be unemployed if the Lock Down in that country continued for another three months - or so was the ghastly estimate.
Strangely, some forms of employment were impervious to the Lock Down. Gambling operations bridged the physical barrier between themselves and their clientele by arranging online gambling; drug dealers delivered drugs by courier or post; and Sex Vendors reported to their guild that some of their clients continued to pressure them to supply their services.
Ironically, though human resourcefulness provided some outlets for vice, in quantum it was virtue that triumphed. Confinement to hearth and home forced the closure of nightclubs, bars, brothels, strip joints, sex shops, sports stadia, hunting and fishing grounds. Restriction of movement restricted the utility of online dating applications as well.
Unbridled Temperance was the order of the day! The virtues of Chastity, Fidelity, and Parental Supervision raged unchecked across the land. Adulterers found themselves forced to neglect their mistresses and sleep with their wives. Young warriors with no thought of paternity, commitment and responsibility, found themselves inadvertently starting families as they manfully fought in bed to bring comfort to anxious cone maidens. Teenagers found themselves under the All Seeing Eye of parents who never left the house or let them roam without supervision.
Surveying the surreal state of sexual mores prevailing amongst his contemporaries, Cone Man shook his head in disgust. "We are more virtuous than we have been in decades
and yet we still manage to lose our Virgin Tribe!" he groaned.

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