– 16th May 2022
Twas Thor’s Day, cold and Autumnal,
Cone Man contemplated life’s twilight years.
Youthful dreams, leavened by many a fall,
Wasted time the worst of his fears.
Five and twenty years in librarianship vested,
Only to see this career sprawl in the dust.
By life’s disappointments sorely tested,
Continue to strive middle aged males must.
Others had far better reason to despair,
Martha and Mary, sisters of poor dead Lazarus.
Man of their family, their brother, their care,
Lazarus lay in his tomb making no fuss.[1]
Their old world was ending,
And indeed, would truly end.
Their new world was pending,
The temple’s curtain it would rend.[2]
Bethany, Jesus finally approached,
“Lord, if you had been here,
My brother would not have died.”
Martha and Mary tearfully reproached.[3]
“Lazarus, come out.”[4] Jesus cried,
From the opened tomb Lazarus approached.[5]
“I am the resurrection and the life.”[6]
© Craig Turney