The Gate – 3rd May 2022
Twas the Day of Mars, a marching day,
Cone Man engaged in an epic journey.
Seeking riches, making his manly way,
By rail canoe to Wellesley’s Town.
Seeking a post at the Hall of Wisdom,
Famous House of Chief Turning Bull.
Sadly, frustrated in this bid for freedom,
Finding no room at the Inn.
Keeping his manly calm,
Returning to the Land of the Huttites,
He next employed his considerable charm,
Offering his services to the Salvationites.
Their chieftainess, to his alarm,
Was too engaged with Managerites.
Twice finding the gate closed,
Cone Man wondered “Where is the gate?”
The “Gate”, was a person, he supposed,
If some person would let him in, great!
Thwarted in his search for the earthly “gate”,
Realising worldly position was temporal.
Ultimately needing a post in the Eternal Estate,
He’d have to find the One True “Gate” for real.
A long time ago, in a land far away,
A carpenter from Nazareth claimed:
“I am the gate,
whoever enters through me will be saved.”[1]
© Craig Turney