Sunday, 29 March 2020

Corona Saga: Lock Down - 4th Day

Twas the Fourth Day of the Lock Down and the Legend Bearers reported that 30000 people had been killed by the Corona virus Monster across the world. Over 600000 others had been bitten by the malignant Beast.

The Legend Bearers where merely doing their jobs, yet were not really doing their jobs. Legends emanating from the Legend Bearers were often anecdotal, sensationalist, alarmist, and lacking in careful analysis and fact-checking.

The Legend Bearers were struggling to tell this new legend. The Legend of the Coronavirus Monster was so unprecedented, epic and at a speed that even the most experienced, professional and objective of the Legend Bearers reeled under the daily deluge of information.

The Legend Bearers could not be condemned for suffering the limitations of being merely human, Cone Man cone-sidered. The problem was that their failings led to the exacerbation of two existing problems.

One section of the population, through intellectual laziness, gullibility or sympathy with the biases of the Legend Bearers, tended to swallow poorly researched and prepared legends. The other section of the population, through ingrained cynicism and abhorrence of the biases of the Legend Bearers, tended to dismiss their legends as "fake news".

Reflecting tiredly on these to very different reactions to the same phenomenon Cone Man muttered to himself "You may judge for yourself which is the greater folly ..."

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