Twas The Fifth Day of the Lock Down. As was the case with wars, sieges, revolutions, famines and other crises, people found the initial excitement replaced by a gradual acceptance of the dreaded 'New Normal'.
The problem was that nobody knew what the 'New Normal' was. Just how long was the 'New Normal' going to go on? Cinda the Hard and Stern declared that international travel would be restricted until the Witchdoctors devised a 'vaccine' to defeat the Coronavirus Monster - which could take as long as 18 months!
Pressing issues focused the minds of many in the meantime. Formerly safe employments had evaporated as quickly as a morning mist. Mortgages, although suspended,remained two haunt the minds of the confined.
Economic angst was general as well as particular. Everyone knew that the All Black Tribe depended heavily on the proceeds of tourism, export education and airlines.
The land of the All Black tribe may have been an archipelago of Antipodean islands but it was definitely no island in the economic storm. The world financial system was already grossly over leveraged. With trade collapsing everywhere, how, long would it be before the world's financial system collapsed?
Cone Man may have been an island of sanity in the storm (others may have begged to differ) but deep down inside he knew that his secluded man cave was ultimately no Island from the storm ...
The problem was that nobody knew what the 'New Normal' was. Just how long was the 'New Normal' going to go on? Cinda the Hard and Stern declared that international travel would be restricted until the Witchdoctors devised a 'vaccine' to defeat the Coronavirus Monster - which could take as long as 18 months!
Pressing issues focused the minds of many in the meantime. Formerly safe employments had evaporated as quickly as a morning mist. Mortgages, although suspended,remained two haunt the minds of the confined.
Economic angst was general as well as particular. Everyone knew that the All Black Tribe depended heavily on the proceeds of tourism, export education and airlines.
The land of the All Black tribe may have been an archipelago of Antipodean islands but it was definitely no island in the economic storm. The world financial system was already grossly over leveraged. With trade collapsing everywhere, how, long would it be before the world's financial system collapsed?
Cone Man may have been an island of sanity in the storm (others may have begged to differ) but deep down inside he knew that his secluded man cave was ultimately no Island from the storm ...
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